Below is a short summary of this big topic and current focus for the Living Design Group.
A Living Community is the combining of ecological and cooperative ethics with the value of building strong community. Check back for more details in the near future. For now here is a short summary.
It is a settlement, green subdivision or town which:
- Is self-reliant and has awareness of healthy community principals
- Produces or sources most foods locally.
- Produces and owns all it energy utilities using local renewable energy sources.
- Offers a high level of local employment, primarily in activities related to 1, 2 & 3
- Recovers and or recreates its culture, art and identity. Has educational infrastructure culturally focused
Upcoming related topics and links:
- Community Co-operatives as a method to develop a Living Community, Co-Housing
- Transition Town Movement
- Resilience in design, building for climate change resilience and adaptation.
- Deep Adaptation and Regeneration of Land and Waters
- Grid-free Infrastructure – the low carbon technologies (for mitigation)
- Natural Infrastructure – for stewardship, water management and natural services
- Applications for traditional ecological knowledge (TEK)